After-school Club
The after-school club at Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Bhaile a’ Ghobhainn has wonderful facilities for the children including our own room and large outdoor play spaces.
The service is designed to provide your child with quality care at all times whilst providing parents the security of knowing that their children are in a safe, nurturing environment, where they are all well cared for and having fun enjoying a range of stimulating and creative activities.
The after-school club aims to provide some down time for your child after school. We create an atmosphere in which they can relax, have fun and interact with other children. This may take the form of playing a game of football or rounders, tuition from a Fèis tutor or singing a song as Mòd time draws closer. There are many ways to foster a great time with friends from school. If you would like us to give your child support with their reading and or homework, we will factor this in too.