
Òganan Dhùn Èideann

Bun-sgoil Taobh na Pàirce, 139b Bonnington Road

Edinburgh EH6 5NQ

Opening hours: 08:0017:50

Breakfast Club


The breakfast club at Òganan Dhùn Eideann is focused on getting the day started in the right way. We aim to support you and your family in making the transition from home to childcare to school as smooth and seamless as possible. We want to make starting your day in this way as pleasant an experience as possible. Your child will be offered breakfast, and there is always an activity available to get those young brain cells working.  All children are accompanied to their relevant meeting point at the commencement of the school day.


C1/2 Short sessions


The school day for children in Class 1 and 2 finishes earlier than the rest of the school, and the Òganan staff meet the children from their classrooms. Parents can book just this session or the children can then join their friends in the after-school club.


After-school Club


The after-school club aims to provide some down time for your child after school. We create an atmosphere in which they can relax, have fun and interact with other children. This may take the form of playing a game of football or rounders, participating in first aid club or singing a song as Mod time draws closer. There are many ways to foster a great time with friends from school. If you would like us to give your child support with their reading and or homework, we will factor this in too.

Your child will be offered a healthy snack and they will have free access to drinks and fruit which are available throughout the session.

The after-school club also operates from Pilrig Park School which is just a 4 minute walk across the park. The Òganan room leads on to expansive grounds that offer an outdoor environment rich in natural beauty.