Eairdsidh MacMhathain’s Adventures!
Eairdsidh MacMhathain, our nursery teddy, has been a well-loved part of life at Òganan Bhaile a’ Ghobhainn for almost two years.
All the children have an opportunity to take Eairdsidh home with them for a few nights.

The children love Eairdsidh and are very excited when it is their turn to take him home.

We encourage the children to speak Gaelic to Eairdsidh and to teach him how to do everyday things such as brushing his teeth or putting shoes on.

We find the children are proud to teach Eairdsidh Gaelic and it gives them more opportunity to use their Gaelic in environments outwith the nursery setting, which can only be a good thing.
We find it is a great way to boost the children’s language development and to support social-emotional learning, as caring for Eairdsidh can help to develop empathy and responsibility.

It also builds on the children’s connection between their home life and nursery and allows them to share what they have been up to together.

So far Eairdsidh has been all over Glasgow with our children.
He has been read to, played with, and sung to and has even made it as far as the moon!
Sin thu fhèin, Eairdsidh!